Alba Vital Scan: Project Programme
(1) Investigate www non-contact technologies, methodologies and research outcomes:
May to November 2020
(2) Agree project in principle with NHS Medical Physics and Universities
June to November 2020
NB: Alba Medical Sciences will provide its scientific-grade imaging hardware and analytical software package, together with technical expertise in project management,
development and capture of infrared data. We will be working alongside a team of
clinicians, healthcare workers, medical physics personnel and University specialists in
optical based techniques, within the Ninewells Hospital, Dundee.
(3) Launch public appeal for funding, in order to cover all of the costs of the project without recourse to NHS Budget’s, with commencement of the assessments at Ninewells scheduled for January 2021. The total projected budget is £120,000.
November to December 2020
(4) Agree internal NHS Ninewells clinical input and project protocols. Detail the key team
responsibilities and prepare an action plan for commencement of individual assessments in January 2021.
November to December 2020
(5a) Commence research / trials on application of infrared thermography and establish best practice.
January to May 2021
(b) Trial / determine Heart/Respiration measurement technologies and establish best practice
January to May 2021
NB: It is intended that every assessment of each individual, will produce a comprehensive vital signs data-set, which will allow a full technical and clinical analysis to be made.
Based on the clinical interpretation of that data, an indicative diagnosis of the
state of the patients health can be made.
Data from a control group of fit and healthy individuals would be undertaken
for comparison. of the data
(6) Develop software programme / algorithms based on vital-sign measurement data input
January to September 2021
(7) Develop suitable (functional) mobile housing unit for all data collection hardware
January to May 2021
(8) Develop remote-control robotic mobile housing unit and patient communication hardware
January to November 2021
(9) Produce a detailed report on the project and list whatever steps are necessary to
facilitate adoption of the Alba Vital Scan software and robotic technology across the NHS
and GP surgeries. This will include a review of specification/cost performance parameters and re-design for commercialisation.
December 2021