The Alba Vital Scan Project
Hello to all you good folk and thanks for visiting our site! This page provides a summary of the “Alba Vital Scan” project and you can find full details of what’s involved simply by accessing the About section.
We all love the NHS and it’s a really sad fact that one in five of Covid 19 patients are healthcare workers. In addition to PPE there is a need to better protect clinical staff as they deal with an influx of patients all of whom must be assessed for Covid 19 or other illnesses.
The pandemic has badly affected NHS & Government R&D budgets and so we are asking for your help to raise funds for The Alba Vital Scan project which is designed to reduce the risk to NHS staff and offers a new methodology for use across the healthcare sector.

The project will research and apply the latest mix of optical sensor technology to measure an individual’s vital signs without physical contact. It will develop software to analyse the data and produce a predictive medical diagnosis. All of the hardware will be contained within a mobile robotic device, with remote communication between clinician and patient.
It may seem like “Rocket Science” and the technologies are cutting-edge, but we will be working alongside experts in NHS Ninewells, as well as Dundee, Abertay and St Andrews Universities, to produce a practical and valuable “first-line-of-defence” for all healthcare workers who are required to safely assess, identify and isolate infected patients.
The next phase of the project is scheduled to take 12 months, commencing January 2021 and we are seeking your support to raise all of the funding necessary so that there will be no call on NHS budgets.
We understand that finances are very difficult for so many good people at present, but we hope that anyone who can afford it, might support this unique approach to making the job safer for those healthcare workers dealing with the critical issues presented by this (or future) pandemic(s).
All of your contributions will be ring-fenced to fund the project and you can send any amount you choose. Please click on the buttons below to Donate to our PayPal or GoFundMe.
We thank you all for your very valued and generous support!